BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Theodosius Dobzhansky, Macroevolution, Biogeography

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Levels of biological organization: molecules, cells, organisms, populations*** Note: the population level is the primary unit of evolution: communities, ecosystems. ***biodiversity and adaptation are therefore products of evolution*** Biodiversity the variety of life on earth; the number and kinds of living organisms in a given area. Theory of evolution: the central unifying concept of biology, affects many other areas of knowledge, one of the most influential concepts of western thought. Theodosius dobzhansky (1900-1975: (cid:862)nothi(cid:374)g i(cid:374) (cid:271)iolog(cid:455) (cid:373)akes se(cid:374)se e(cid:454)(cid:272)ept i(cid:374) the light of e(cid:448)olutio(cid:374). (cid:863, fruit fly geneticist and founder of the modern evolutionary synthesis. Note: the best studies integrate information from both* Evolutionary mechanisms: determine the ecological and genetic mechanisms responsible for evolutionary change. Involve population-level studies of natural selection, adaptation, and speciation using diverse organisms: testing of theoretical models by experiments in the laboratory and field, largely process-oriented and experimental.