BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Intertropical Convergence Zone, Westerlies, Roaring Forties

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Climate & biomes, change along transects, species ranges lecture 14. With that on top, rainy season is around that region. Ferrel cell circulation that push from south to north and this patterning lead to air masses being pushed to higher latitude. Closer to equator, wind will spin around faster than that at higher latitude and retains west to east movements and twist across the surface of earth. Push by surface of the earth, air is pushed towards the intertropical convergence from north to south. Prevailing westerlies are wind that are strong and predictable around the hadley cells. There is not much active life around that area. Organisms that survive at that area range are highly adapted at this stressful latitude. Diomedea exsulans can soar without flapping the wings and glide at flat angles. They fly with wind behind them to reserve energy and fly in direction of the flow of wind. Temperature and moisture are very important for growth.