BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Red Queen Hypothesis, Parthenogenesis, Asexuality

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Sexual system: dioecious (separate sexes) or hermaphrodite. Self-fertilization: not asexual, sexual reproduction with oneself. Some plants can do both sexual & asexual reproduction. Costs of sexual reproduction (vs benefits of asexual reproduction): Time and energy to find/attract mates (mate not needed, reproduce w/ self) Males are a bit of a waste , males are costly and wasteful . 50% less genetic transmission (100% genetic transmission) Sexual female contributes only 50% of genes to the next generation. Asexual reproduction maintains favorable combinations of alleles. Benefits of genetic variation in variable environments: lottery model . Spatial heterogeneity in selection can facilitate the evolution of sex. Long term evolutionary potential is low due to lack of genetic variation. Local population substructure enhances mating among relatives. In small populations, even random mating can lead to mating among relatives. Dispersal, delayed maturation, extra pair copulation, kin recognition and avoidance. Heterozygosity decreases at different rates depending on mating patterns. Manifested by reductions in viability and fertility.