BCH210H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Glycosylation, Glycosidic Bond, Ribose

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BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
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Consider what happens to soonye after early morning practice run. Vigorous run for an hr, soonye feels famished therefore shower and breakfast. Focus on food soonye eats and body responds to rising falling blood glucose level. Nutrition and bch closely related within the field of metabolism. Important for basics of nutrition to understand metabolic responses in body. Soonyes metabolic responses following meal are the opposite from her metabolic responses during exercise in fasting condition. Soonye switched in anabolic mode triggered by rising blood glucose and glycogen metabolism regulated following meal. Used up 396kcal of energy using her storage fuel reserves. Depleted her glycogen store by 79 grams and utilized 8. 9 grams of fat from fat depot in body. Before practice run soonye had 119 grams of glycogen stored in liver and muscle and 8 kg of fat in fat tissues. In future lecture how fat especially in marathon race plays a major role in energy production.