CHM135H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
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201lm lab prep on wednesday 12 - 2. More concentrated, more likely to collide earlier. More surface area, faster/more vigorous reaction temperature red line = conc of a decreasing; green line b conc increasing disappearance of reactant or appearance of b note negative sign. Ex2. double conc of a = increasing rate of reaction by four www. notesolution. com. Halve conc of b = halve rate of reaction. Therefore ans2: c vary the initial concentration of one reactant at a time set of experiments to measure rate and pick it apart by seeing how it is affected by different reactant concentrations. Initially, there is no back reaction -> no products, so products cannot produce reactants and mess up concentrations compare 1 and 2: clo2 differs, so the difference between the experiments" initial rates is due to the clo2. Clo2 first order: both initial conc and initial rate increase by 4, therefore one-to-one therefore ans1: b.