CLA204H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Echidna, Choral Poetry, Cosmogony
Document Summary
Cla204 - le c tu re 3 o n j a n u a ry 14. The os (god) + gonos (birth) = the ogony. Cos mos (unive rs e ) + gonos (birth) = cos mogony. Home r, illia d (a ll the gods s pring from oce a n a nd te thys ) Aris topha ne s , birds (pos s ible common s ource with orphic te xts ) Eros , principle of s e xua l ge ne ra tion, ca us e d a ll things to mingle a nd cre a te s the ra ce of immorta ls. The re wa s a tra dition of a s cribing te xts to orphe us , ma inly cos mogonys. Groups of gods ofte n thought of within a group, not individua lly. (e g the mus e s ) Na tura l e le me nts.