CLA204H1 Lecture Notes - Berlin State Museums, Sea Monster, Greek Mythology
Document Summary
Www. classicalmythology. org: extra resources, memorizing names not important. Lectures: 10 in person, 2 online for after tests: not right out of txtbk. Expanding on what s in txtbk: do reading in advance, goal is to synthesize & understand material. Lectures are just as important as the reading. Test 1: oct 11, 25%; test 2: nov15, 25%; exam 50: tests: 6:30-8 (1. 5hrs), multiple choice, short answer. Not cumulative: review guide w sample qs 2 wks before, exam: (3hrs) also have a couple long answer qs (2-3 paragraphs, 1-2 pgs) cumulative. Ex. dutch paintings, art, literature, more modern things: not strictly historical world. Mythology: today we say it s something that must be false (ex. Alligators in sewers, global warming) is a lie, fiction ex. Muthos: entertaining speech: trying to entertain audience, ex. Entertaining story about transit from home to work: any kind of entertaining or hopefully entertaining speech, myth is a much stricter term. Perseus rescues princess andromeda from sea monster.