CSB452H1 Lecture 3: Lecture 3 Summary

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Plant r-protein recognizes specific bacterial avr protein, which lead to hr. many r proteins are cc/tir-nb-lrr, kinase or tf. compatible = virulent, unrecognizable by plant defence = susceptible, diseased plant. Incompatible = avirulent, recognizable by plant defence = resistant plant. different soybean cultivars recognize different ttse: merit recognizes avrb, not avrrpm1, as avrb- grows better. Flambeau recognizes avrrpm1 but not avrb as avrrpm1- grows better. both avrb and avrrpm1 recognition is mapped to rpg1 locus containing rpm1 protein. rpm1-null plant has no hr and later die of disease. Lock model: r protein is receptor and ttse is ligand, only 2 examples. guard model: r protein monitor ttse target by directly binding to targets. rin4 is targeted by both avrb and avrrpm1 and bound by r protein rpm1 and is necessary for recognition of avrb and avrrpm1 by rpm1 as in rin4 kd there is no hr.