ENG210Y1 Lecture : eng210 notes
Document Summary
European history, divisions: classical (rome, greece, medieval: fall of rome to 14-15th bc- contrast of representation; the way it is organized, modern: what we are dealing with. Painting of a virgin mary; byzantine, 1300s: figures represent a higher reality, not meant to portray the world we know but the spiritual world; here vs there. Things start to change with giotto, 1320: realism, virgin mary looks like a woman! Dirck bouts, 1465: the idea of representation shifts from 2d iconography into what we think of as painting. Robinson crusoe: introduces formal realism into long prose narrative. Vanishing points begin to be introduced-illusion of 3 dimensional space. Holy subjects then treated as being in the real world. A shift in imagination of what constitutes the real. The notion of madonna and child as common; luca cambiaso; c. 1550. Not the space of paradise lost or pilgrims progress.