ENG210Y1 Lecture : eng210 notes
Document Summary
He was 29 years old during the 2nd civil war; wrote a pamphlet in 1702-satirically represented. England: 2 civil wars the intolerance of right-wing establishment to presbyterians. The rise of puritans: the literature of the 1740s-puritan conversion era; written by someone who had a direct encounter with god that caused them to re-organize their life. Hugely popular genre, and one of the main reasons literature was taught to children at the time. Crusoe is about a man who disobeys his father-parallels to the garden of eden, ie. the fall. this was later theorized by jewish and christian thinkers as the possibility of redemption: You must have fallen in order to be saved. Crusoe pays the price of his disobedience. he undergoes a conversion on the island, starts interpreting and reading the bible differently. Salvation lies in not being rescued but by realizing his disobedience, then by coming to terms.