HIS244H1 Lecture : lecture

68 views2 pages
15 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Jurgen habermas-the structural transformation of the public sphere. What was news, what was media, how did we get information in this last age. We do have revolutions during this time period. Gottenberg her created the printing press and printed the first book which was the bible. Most of these books are censord and have to do with religion. What makes the printing press even more powerful are the people who read it mostly the rich curches, priests, nobles, novelty. It is very expensive to even have a book. There is a greater public demand for printed materials. The lest politically stable areas are the ones who are the most illerate such as russia. The idea of schooling to help a regime was being pushed to promote literacy. Amsterdam there was a significant proportion of people who were able to sign there name signally literacy. The higher up you are the more chance you have to be exposed to schooling.

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