HIS244H1 Lecture : European dynasties and dynamics
Document Summary
N france vs. spain and prance vs. netherlands. N 2 dominant polarizing figures: louis xiv and william of orange. N great powers: britain, france, austria, russia, and prussia. N spain was a major power at 1600 but started to decline and wasn"t a dominating figure in. N sweden rises then falls so does netherlands. N most of the modern european states didn"t exist so think in terms of dynasties. N nation-states didn"t exist at first were a 19th century invention. N peace of westphalia is thought of as the end of religious separation. N dynasties: hapsburg - spanish and austrian, bourbons - french and spanish. N charles v was the ruler of the hapsburg and he split his lands because he realized he couldn"t watch over all of it. N one of the first congresses - congress of vienna. N treaty of osenbrook symbolicly ended the religious fighting.