HIS244H1 Lecture : The Social Orders

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13 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Lecture outline: great chain of being a society of orders. each order had its own standards of dress, manner of living, occupations, education. To go against the social order was going against god"s will: land, wealth, and status. Importance of hierarchical ties: nobility open and closed elites. eastern europe poland, russia: middling sort or bourgeoisie. urban wage labourers and journeymen: serfs and peasants, margins of society popular revolts. France the three estates: fi rst estate clergy . 5% population. 15% land; pays no tax, but gives gifts": second estate nobility 1. 5% population. nobles of the sword, robe, bell, and anobilis. different types of nobles: court nobles, rural nobles, etc: third estate the rest 98% population. bourgeoisie (500,000); city works (2. 5 million); peasants (22. 5 million 87% population) They kept themselves away from the lower people. It was the law that defined each subgroups responsibilities.

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