HIST 1000 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Girondins, Meritocracy, Charles Alexandre De Calonne
Document Summary
England: constitutional monarchy- parliament has most administrative power but king still hold the throne, more as a figure head. Austria: house of hapsburg-one of the most influential royal families in europe, less absolutist than prussia or france, many different ethnic groups under one rule caused a lot of fighting. This did(cid:374)(cid:859)t allo(cid:449) la(cid:271)o(cid:396) (cid:373)o(cid:271)ilit(cid:455) (cid:449)hi(cid:272)h (cid:449)as (cid:271)ad fo(cid:396) e(cid:272)o(cid:374)o(cid:373)(cid:455) Society: great population growth because of agricultural advancements, transportation for food became better, fewer wars and epidemics, new foods like corn and potatoes (lots of potatoes can grow in one area so feeds a lot) The social order (1) aristrocracy- king, nobles, and clergy. Worked together for a common goal, held family ethic, had many children to provide more for the family. Scientific revolution (1500-(cid:1005)7(cid:1004)(cid:1004)(cid:859)s(cid:895: changed human perspective on the natural world by using reason to understand nature, caused/overlapped with the enlightenment, shift from geocentric to heliocentric views. Copernicus saying sun is center of the universe.