HIS244H1 Lecture : Europe and the World in the Seventeenth Century

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13 Feb 2011

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Teleological a conclusion and so everything i write about is going to inevitably lead to it) means that you"re writing with a purpose in mind (i"ve already come to. whigish is used to talk about progress, that somehow everything is just getting better. His244 europe and the world in the 17th century thursday january. Three biggest empires during this period: ottoman, mughal, habsburg. Increased toleration in the empires during this period (however it depends on when/where you look: ottoman empire. a lot of jews and muslims flee to the ottoman empire from spain and portugal. The height of ottoman power was actually in the 16 th century. about 25-30 million inhabitants of the ottoman empire of many different religions, cultures, languages. They became a power which threatened austria, hre, and even russia. The empire relied on self-sufficiency on the different regions and tribute. First half of the 17th century was relatively peaceful, leading to corruption.

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