HIS244H1 Lecture : The Dutch Republic
Document Summary
spain revolts in portugal, catalonia, and naples. The dutch had fought for 80 years for their independence. england and the dutch republic were different than the rest of the european powers: dutch government. The house of orange had a unique place in dutch society because of their leadership during their revolt against spain during the 80 years war. royalty is changing in parts of europe during this time, and in some places royalty would even disappear. The idea of a military leader was still there, however. The head of the orange family wielded patronage power. he had an aristocratic political party and was very popular with the calvinist clergy, workers, www. notesolution. com. during the war with spain, the house of orange led by william the silent ensured that his heirs would continue to be important in the dutch republic. related to pretty much all of the royal families in europe.