HIS271Y1 Lecture : The American Civil War

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14 Feb 2011

Document Summary

The civil war did two things: succeeded in uniting the states together in a common national purpose. Intensified the divisions within the states, but these divisions became more cultural and social. Two visions of the country fuse into one at the end of the war. as important as the battles were the causes of the war were equally important. For many, land = power and control control over the direction the government is going, etc. how new land was going to be acquired in the united states as they expanded westward was of the utmost importance: wilmot proviso, 1846. as they"re moving west, and as land west of louisiana was acquired, Southerners assumed the land would be made slave states. set forth by a northerner senator, david wilmot, stating that any land acquired by negotiation would be prohibited from using slave labour. emerged as a response to conflict over the extension of the missouri.

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