HIS312H1 Lecture Notes - Polish Canadians, Department Of Finance Canada, Christie Pits Riot

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9 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Viewed as dangerous because they were foreign speaking and alien ideas. Could not be canadian because of their background and politics. State repression fueled by media panic, fear being seen in the main stream. All of these took place being considered repression. Everyone had to do their part for effort. Who fell outside this is considered as suspcision. Give government the ability to pass legislation without the approval of parliament. The extra power to allow them to engage in politics. Anyone who oppose description is considered condemnation of the war. Enemy aliens: people that were at war with canada, they had to registered. 6000 of euclidean"s. they wanted their self condemnation. Give government the power to outlaw any organizations they view as unlawful. The boundary stretches in the sense ethnical organization could be out-lawed. The government were essentially doing was policing the governemtn.

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