HIS312H1 Lecture : September 21&27

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Early days of immigration, people mainly came from france and britain. Small, erratic immigration was sparse; people were disconnected from one another. Immigrants tried to assert themselves into aboriginal places. This didn"t go over poorly, the number of newcomers was small, aboriginals found ways of accomodating these newcomers. There was some violence but for the most part things were welcoming, beneficial, trade happened. Biggest source of suffering came from the disease the newcomers brought, many aboriginals died. Few accounts from the immigrants themselves who came to canada, there were advertisements from their home countries that are still around. Most new immigrants were illiterate, very little to go on for the ordinary immigrant. European expansion, 1490s led to further exploration into north america. Gold wasn"t found, however economic success came through fur and fish which could be traded internationally for profit. Did not encourage large-scale expansion due to the nature of the economy.

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