HIS312H1 Lecture 7: Lecture 7,8

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Lecture 7: colonizing the west coast: towards a colonial society. Very difficult long route, travel all way around south america. Difficult to develop family life, lack of women: exploration and the fur trade, the hudson"s bay company and colonial beginnings on vancouver. First governor of bc, and of the hudson"s bay company. Nanaimo: coal mining was what the hbc looked to prosper in during the 1850s, hired: Scottish, local and kanaka (indigenous peoples from hawaii) labourers. Strategy was to get well-to-do farmers who would establish great farms. Would bring capital to the region and it was hoped that the farm owners would also sponser the arrival of farm labourers who would also do work on their farms. Farms didn"t work out, labourers that the english brought in quickly lost interest in farming there and moved on to california. That was particularly true due to the gold rush in california, which had become in 1849.

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