HIS312H1 Lecture : The Irish
Document Summary
Topic one: the irish in 19 th c canada: class, culture and conflict. About violence in new-brunswick against irish immigrants and protestant orange" irish (and others). Influx of irish catholic immigrants in the 1840"s. Previously, relations between catholic and protestant irish in new brunswick was peaceful. Due to the large arrival of irish catholic immigrants in the 40"s (because of the potato famine), many of them were poor and were willing to work menial jobs. In 1840"s, because of new free trade laws" by british government, foreign tariffs were dropped and colonial duties were increased. Commercial crippled period for saint john and portland from 1942-3 and 1945-9. This caused a lot of job competition between wealthier and more stable protestants in those areas and poor catholics. Beginning of a perceived threat that catholics would spread evil of the papacy" and wanted to block it. Encouraging of protestant businesses to only hire protestants.