HIS312H1 Lecture 11: The Prairies and the Immigration Boom, 1900-1913

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13 Jan 2011

Document Summary

Lecture 11: the prairies and the immigration boom, 1900-1913. Saskatchewan pop. up 440% (vs. nova scotia pop. up only 7%) In ex100 at the exam centre on mccaul street at 3pm! Only 1 hr exam, no lecture next week then. Incl. readings (topics 1-3) and the lecture content as well. ***see the tips for the test on blackboard!!! Ids 5/10 (name, event, group of immigrants, dates of sig. , act of parliament. Explain the significance, is it a good example of wider patterns like, why do we know about it, think about the context in the lecture, what"s the wider idea of it. Cnd. hope the prairie region would boom into an agricultural might, improve western development, seen as crucial to the development of a prosperous canada. Policies put in place to foster immigration/settler were dismal. Far fewer ppl came, not as prosperous either regionally or nationally.

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