HIS317H1 Lecture 3: Lecture Three: Democracy in a Time of Hyperinflation: the Postwar Crisis, 1919-1923

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13 Jan 2011

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The spartacus league, a soviet in munich, the freikorps. Lecture three: democracy in a time of hyperinflation: the postwar crisis, 1919-1923. Nov 9, 1919, weimar republic born (twice!, from two diff. wings of the labour movement) The two declarations have little to do with each other. Was democratic, emerged out of the sdp, the social democratic party. A mass poli. party since 1890, and wwi. Divide betw. the majority reformist wing and the minority revolutionary wing (usdp), which was reborn as the kdp, the communist party. Phillip scheidemann, chancellor of the weimar republic, his father, karl, was a leader of the labour movement. Both pointed to war and the sacrifices of the german ppl, of democracy. Scheidemann address the people of the revolution was a mass movement of soldiers, people, women against the german elites, like the kaiser. Pointed towards constitution reform, of a parliament, abolishing the 3 class suffrage of prussia.

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