HIS109Y1 Lecture : September 24 - February 16 Title says all. Some days are missing/incomplete. 95% of them however are there.
Document Summary
400-700 population of europe declined dramatically (barbarian invasions, increase in disease, collapse of the roman empire resulted in the decline in roads, food transport, etc) No desire to experiment with technology or improve yield. Plow was replaced with a new plow with a wheel on it, which allow more land to be grown to cultivation. Knights would eat meat because it was a prominent food of the time. Europeans were a malnourished race, subject to illnesses and physical problems. Medieval farming was a cooperative venture, people lived in villages not in separated farms. Peasants had to be bound to the soil as serfs. This provided the peasants a stable place to work. For it to work everyone had to remain in place. At least being on the manor there was security, and security of job, and enough food to feed themselves and the family.