HIS109Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Sub-Saharan Africa, Red Sea, Scientific Socialism

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30 Apr 2016

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20:04: marx, darwin, modernity, positivism , charles darwin (1809-1882, variation and inheritance, natural selection, social darwinism and pseudoscientific racism. Given the expansion of the industrial working class in last third of 19th century you can have mass politics not only for revolution but also for changes. Marx international working men"s association: until 1860"s. Origin of species was published in 1859 the same year marx published. Historical materialism human material relations driving force in shaping human history. History is not shaped by ideas but by material reality which create history. Both darwin and marx: laws of society, forces of nature operate life. Marx and darwin are creating the idea of an alien, cold and mechanic work. Humanity is not driven by ideas or the soul but by material and mechanical ideas. Scientism: science is an ideology itself, hardnosed, hard minded and scientific is the only response to a world that is cold and mechanized.

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