HIS263Y1 Lecture : Creating Permanent European Outposts
Document Summary
The fur t rade & the development of new world f rance. as a result of the cod fishing industry, it became normal for europeans to travel throughout the continent and participate in trade. Fur trade emerges, in the late 1500s, garments made of fur-bearing animals and especially wide-brimmed hats were highly fashionable in european society. partly because they were warm and because they had a luxurious feel and texture, fetching them high prices. as a result, europeans and especially the french, become actively involved in the fur trade. european involvement in this industry resulted in french traders being integrated into a vast network of trade relationships. This network was concentrated in the valley of the st. lawrence river. Involvement in this fur trade and extensive trade network is fundamentally important to the development of a french colonial presence in the new world, what would come to be known as new france.