HIS263Y1 Lecture : WWII - Soldier's perspective
Document Summary
More than a million canadians served in the military during wwii. Others joined for the masculine experience or glory. Others believed that it was a war for freedom and important things. The smallest contribution of muslims was on water. Missions in the air force were more dangerous than those in the army. The early part of the war gave the soldier the experience of garrison duty. Soldiers often married in the city where they were deployed (war brides) There was also a lot of homosexual activity. If same-sex relationships left the unit level, it became a military discipline issue. One of the boys by paul jackson reveals the disciplinary actions on people who partook in same-sex activity. Canadians were heavily involved once they were deployed in europe. Canada didn"t consider itself a major power in the war. War was also a form of community mobilization. Three roles are very traditionally and two seem a lot newer.