HIS344Y1 Lecture : November 23rd 2010

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28 Nov 2010

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Berlin bought all the issues separating western and eastern j captitalist and communism. Berlin itself was divided j division of europe. 1958, khrushchev offer disarmament, to turn berlin into a free city and make sure all foreign troops pull out. Western states knew if they did pull out, it would only be time until soviet union intervene again. To make sure soviet union emerge from this dilemma successful and victorious and go to. Moscow/central committee to demonstrate he is successful at foreign policy even if things at home did not work out j made khrushchev re-evaluate his deadline/dilemma. Macmillian: revisit issue of west berlin and reduce western troops there j had no approval from us. The foreign office vetoed: usa would never agree to reduction to troops in west. Sept 1959: khrushchev arrives in new york. First of all, he goes to united nations and sees how political propaganda works.

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