HIS344Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Mohamed Farrah Aidid, Full Collapse, Marshall Plan

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Was it a new world order? (a new beginning) or merely an establishment of. It failed and collapsed the system because it could simply not be reformed. Gorbachev"s effort to reform communism in 1960s did not have to go that long. Some argued that cold war was not necessary could have come to an end: what prolonged cold war was technological breakthrough the fact that soviet union established intercontinental missiles scared. U. s. so much they used money to prevent the soviet from all accounts: some argued it was not technological breakthrough but collapse of. French and british imperial system gave moscow the chance and hope to elevate their own political system to influence the third world. This scared washington even more thus sustaining the. However, western democracy + capitalism did triumph conflict sustain conflict with the west: communism no longer existed as an efficient alternative (as it did not.

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