MUS111H1 Lecture : Politics
Document Summary
20th century: nazi germany (right-winged, stock market crashed caused the germans to blame someone, hitler"s party came into power. richard strauss (1864-194) die schweigsame frau (1935) worked with a librettist (makes the text) once his died he worked with a jewish one. 1934 (eve of performance) this opera was banned: nothing about this opera was political (only the fact that it was associated with a jewish librettist) paul hindemith (1895 1963), mathis der maler (1935) different music, disorganized, did not represent the people. always on the borderline of formalist and a good. Economics & the role of the musician in society. Music & patronage: many early professional musicians were dependent of the church of the court for the livelihoods, troubadours, trouv res: lyric poets or poet-musicians of france in the 12th and 13th centuries.