MUS111H1 Lecture : lecture notes

58 views5 pages
26 Jan 2011

Document Summary

There is the way that music sound and the way it is organizaed in the structure of sound. The tradition of piphin band lives in a number of places some are trotted out in civil war reenactments etc. The significance attached to that patriotic duty and struggle is. The phiphes are not going to be obsecured by the sound of music, useful for giving people courage, drawing people together by using songs that people know. When we talk about sound physical and cognitive attributes of sound. Johnson and cloonan: focused on popular music, so priviledging music as recorded sound, etc. They are thinking about music as a recoded thing. What do they mean by music(defination they give you is vv open) and violence. The way it sounds: the way it is made so think about things like performance, inscription, what is the texture of thing that we have mad e music in to, and the technical perameters of musical sound.

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