MUS111H1 Lecture 1: Textbook Notes 1

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23 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Liturgy: a set of services arranged according to the calendar; complex systems of worship. Mass: a lengthy ceremony, usually once a day. At least 8 more ceremonies throughout the day. Gregory i: the famous pope and church father. Medieval modes (not major/minor, but white keys on piano) Organized around d, e, f or g. Different arrangement of half and whole notes in scales. Actually considered richer and more subtle than major/minor system. Gregorian recitation: pitch which the text is sung, called reciting tone. Elaborate melodies saved for significant occasions like prayers at mass. Sequence: a a" b b" c c" . Soloist sings a, b, c and choir sings a" b" c". Becomes increasingly melismatic as the song continues. Instrumental drone: two note chords running continuously. Princely courts joined church as a major supporter of music in the ma. Poet-composers of court songs called troubadors/trouveres (knights, kings, and princes) Alba: a poem type; dawn song of a knight"s loyal companion.

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