POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Mutual Assured Destruction, Checkpoint Charlie, Cuban Missile Crisis

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*last 3 lectures will be used for essay question on exam; everything for multiple choice. 1962 the world came close to being annihilated in a nuclear war. The belief was that the missiles and bombers would come over canada because the shortest route to the us from the soviet union was over the north pole this was the cold war took shape. In this context developed the study of international relations as we know it today. 1948 europe was chopped up with very few exceptions. By the early 1950s, europe was divided not only according to political lines, but. Stalin dies in 1953 and the countries within the communist block attempt to. Under stalin, everyone in the communist world said yugoslavia was bad because. Hungary, 1956 it was not apart of the soviet block; when stalin dies they t ry to make up. Soviet union communist, but allows freedom of speech, elections)

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