POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Westminster System, Presidential System, Supermajority
Document Summary
Best known parliamentary system was in britain (westminster system) Its 4 colonies that split adopted the westminster system as well. Indicator: (what form of government formed its colony) America had a presidential system - colonies also adopted the presidential. Voters elect members to house of commons and the leader of the winning party becomes prime minister. In canada, the crown representative the governor general. Majority: absolute majority of the seats (338 seats in hoc, 170 seats + wins) Won more than any other party but less then 170 seats. Minority: weaker, does not have majority of population. May not be able to get laws to pass. Opposition can call "no confidence", forcing an election when they believe they could win the election. If they call no confidence and lose the election, they are in a much weaker position (mandate for party in power)