POL101Y1 Lecture : Nationalism and Conflict
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9 Feb 2011
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Reading: muller, us and them - the enduring power of ethnic nationalism. King and menon, prisoners of the caucasus, pp. 20-34. What is: seemingly obvious: the ideology of nations. A nation: a group that wants to have its own state: but things are not simple, thesis: nations don"t invent nationalism. Rather, nationalism invents nations: nation: a group of people who believe they share a common fate, history, culture and language, nationalism says that the state and the nation should be congruent, but this occurs only modern conditions. Never before in history did people insist that their leaders be of the same religion, language and history as the people. Germans" existed only in the 19th century: so, it"s this need for congruence that needs to be explained. Nationalism and modernization: high culture and low cultures: european monarchs and populations. the last tsar and tsarina communicated with english, not even their first language.
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