POL101Y1 Lecture : Dependency and Development

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9 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Reading: lenin, imperalism as a special stage of capitalism, pp. 101-106. The mercantilist view: what matters in global political economy are countries. Ideological dominance throughout modern era that privileged adam smith"s view of the world, free trade: takes seriously this term monopsonistic purchasers (the north) a huge single purchaser. By virtue of the scale in which they are buying, set prices. Structure of global capitalism: dominant core (western countries, e. g u. s. and canada) veversus dependent. Periphery (third world, developing, poor countries: peripheral countries are structurally dependency unchanging, cannot be fixed, always peripheral country or core country, on mono, low-value exports, on global north. The implications of global capitalism (i) cosmopolitical view not about dominance www. notesolution. com. February 7th, 2011 (ii) mercantilist view preventing dominance (iii) marxist/lenin view has to be about dominance. The appeal of world systems theory: postcolonial movement, underdevelopment as empirical reality, soviet alternative and self reliance, development as global project brandy commission.