POL101Y1 Lecture : Dependent Development

85 views13 pages
15 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Looking at the micro level, individual human beings and their experiences of reality. Interested in health, education, literacy, infant mortality, etc. Indicators that are important to the individual lived experience. Interested in terms of the redistributive consequences of development. not just looking at national economic growth rates but how this wealth and prosperity is distributed through the political economic system through the highest income households to the lowest income households. having the skills and education and experience and technology in order to continually develop over time. so, not just about growing your economy but having the economic capacity to sustain that growth. about sustaining over the long term economic development. ensuring that as we are developing as economic societies we aren"t at the same time destroying the very foundations of that growth. so development can be defined along all of these dimensions, but generally a sense of progress and improvement over time www. notesolution. com.