POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Comparative Advantage, Navigation Acts, Plaza Accord

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4 Apr 2012

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How the rest got rich political economy 101. Economics has less to do with people and more to do with systems. One of the first countries to have a central bank. Increase in flow of money as result: lots of trade dutch sold the service of trade, dutch east india trading company first multinational corporation that sold stock. The flute critical to maritime innovation: main ship used in dutch east india trading company, cheap to produce, required less manpower, shallow hull could reach shallow ports, large cargo capacity. Market principle: increase supply decrease price, decrease price increase consumption. Increase consumption increase trade and market share. Fast forward to chinese manufacturing: lowering of wages lowering of cost of production increased supply of finished goods reduced price increased demand. The price function: intersection of supply and demand curve, increase supply decrease price. Principles of the market economy: 1.

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