POL101Y1 Lecture : Constant and The Rise of Liberalism

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Benjamin constant: fervent liberal, context: french revolution and its aftermath, question: how should free people govern themselves. *most important thing now is trade peace that will allow for commerce to take place. Liberty of moderns our perception of freedom: not really freedom to more like freedom from (bein isaiah_ Limited government: we are all liberals, freedom is individual rather than communal, all of us driven by commerce and private property instead of a war. Contradiction of constant www. notesolution. com: how to organize human society big problems, modern liberty is better than ancient liberty and pre-modern despotism, we prefer representative oppose to direct government that just leave it to be happy. Freedom of the team : commerce contradict with: if we don"t watch after government then the whole thing will come crashing down have a certain amount of public commitment it will fall. Traditional society: scarcity people had what they had/ no commerce, not geared towards maker/ people lived subsistent lives.

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