POL101Y1 Lecture : Rise of West
Document Summary
The rise of the west and marxism: modernization started in northwest t riangle of europe. Twin revolutions (16th -19th: agriculture and industrial revolutions. Agriculture: may be hyperbole to call it revolution. Industrial: originate in late 18th century england, ex. I ron processed into steal in english factories: huge changes in domestic consumption pattern. (luxuries are decencies. Rise of the middle classes: social result: scarcity to surplus, complexity of division of labour, new forms of social consciousness (achievement status no more) Karl marx: how to analyze society, who controls means of production, materialism: a method for understanding. You must go for the material causes. www. notesolution. com. Superstructrure economic life: societies go through: slave feudal, capitalist, socialist communist modes of production. Marx: capitalism: burgosies those who own capital. How does history unfold: exploitation: time made to control industrial societies (ex of superstructure) New classes grab power for their particular interest but claim it is in the universal interest.