POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Ethnic Group, Caitlyn Jenner, Jim Crow Laws
Document Summary
Bruce didn"t become caitlyn for 30 years b/c afraid he would be killed. Rachel, white, call me black uses biology as proof for/against blackness. The internet doesn"t think this woman should identify with being black if she is white. 2 examples to illustrate the idea of identity categories. Gender is what you feel it is but race isn"t. Race is more politicized in the u. s. history and politics make race something different in each country. Eugenics a classification of racial types. 3 goals: to study scientific diff. between races, hierarchal diff. some inferior and some superior, improve race by breeding out inferior races. First they tried to figure out what the races were (scientifically). Made to live for months in recreations of their natural dwellings. Villages recreated of where they would"ve lived at home. They lived in these villages in full view of thousands of visitors.