POL207Y1 Lecture : September 29 Notes

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14 Dec 2010

Document Summary

bc of former history with split of labour party. not legally needed to hold one in uk, but is a convention: unconstitutional can thus only mean contrary to convention; thus broad contours outliner before also make up the british constitution. Parliamentary sovereignty undermined by: britain"s accession to the eu and by devolution/incorporation of echr: always have to check the parliament is in accordance with eu legislation. Parties form the basis of british politics they are the anchor of the entire political system: 1. Prime minister of the largest party in parliament is asked by the queen to form a govt: 2. And the government may fall at any time. Confidence is expressed thru the parties: 3. Members of the party forming the govt. are bound by the doctrine of collective responsibility to vote with the party. The corollary doctrine is cabinet responsibility, allowing dissent within but not outside f the cabinet.

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