POL208Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: November 2015 Paris Attacks, Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, Extortion

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27 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Scale reach and perpetrators of terrorism is different. Some terrorism actors have more scale globally. Challenges unite a whole host of actors eg. western states, gulf states, russia, china. Yet the rise of cyber terror and cyber security, create friends and foes alike. Test is nov. 30, 10am-12pm, location will be posted later, in ex. Attend review sessions: q and a style. Some choice but all given prior to us. Asks you to apply information you know, either extend it, compare 2 cases. Be more analytical, what is the significance beyond what is told in lecture. Readings and lectures all will be fair game. But liely readings covered in lectures and tutorials will be given higher priority. Calling someone is terrorist is kind of a normative claim, in particular referred to people you don"t agree with. In this class: think about violence against non combatants by a group thats not the state.

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