POL208Y1 Lecture : The Cold War

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24 Nov 2010

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International relations: week 8 j november 2nd, 2010. Characterized by the us as the most powerful nation on the planet: atomic bomb has demonstrated this. Domestically, the first priority of president truman is to go back to normalcy: the troops must go home, congress must regain its role in policy making, shift war economy to peace economy. Soviet union has suffered massive losses, much higher than us: at the same time, huge gains, moscow influence over eastern europe unmatched and undisputed, moscow has new sense of insecurity after atomic bombs. The uk is bankrupt, may have won the world, but economic situation is catastrophic: keynes sent to washington to ask for us money, by 1947, india became independent, the old colonial european empire started to. Influence of uk in middle east, india, empire, doomed to disappear disappear. S dutch left indonesia, french started to see old colonial possession of indochina contested, nigeria massive protests against french rule.

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