POL208Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Power Transition Theory, Conflict Resolution, Jim Crow Laws
Document Summary
A negative definition of peace: the absence of war mirror image. Deterrence, bop, power transition are theories of peace. A positive definition of peace: a non coercive, stable, just, cooperative peace. Long peace couple of decades during which time there are no wars between the great powers. No equivalent period in history where is no direct conflicts. Over-determination: a single observed phenomena is determined by multiple causes at once. Kant rejects the separation between the moral imperative and the political realm (machiavelli) What we must do as political actors is follow our self interests kant rejects this idea. There is not difference between the right thing to do ethically and the right thing to do for the state interest. Following self interest will lead to a perpetual peace in the vast grave that swallows both the atrocities and their perpetrators .