POL382H1 Lecture : POL382 feb 1.doc

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25 Apr 2012

Document Summary

But they are the linch pin in democracy. So if political parties are in trouble, our democracy is in trouble. Control parliament: party discipline provides power to discipline an exec. Bring groups into the political system --> immigrants; succesful multicultrualism. Get out the vote --> canvassing, calls, etc. Represent interests --> brokerage, balance b/t interests. Polarize the choice --> differnece b/t how you appeal for power and govern. Only collective ground left is - the family for politicans to branch out to. But it is coded /w moral valueations -- does not appeal to everyone. Focus needs to be on each individual. Parties are the principle source of creativity. Partisanship is the political identity of distinctive of representable democracy (nancy. Spend time with people you normally wouldn"t meet elsewhere. Sometimes exaggerates differences b/t policies that aren"t there b/t parties. Time: socialism takes too many meetings -- under pressure. Patronage: partially restricted and less important for appointments.

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