POL382H1 Lecture : POL382 APRIL 4.doc
Document Summary
Voters are turning off: 4 in 10 don"t vote. More power than in any other parliamentary system. In australia, the pm just had to face a challenge from her caucus. This is much less likely to happen in cda. Unelected judges have too much power (?) Substantial branch of criticism from our democracy (mostly coming from the. Whats wrong with our institutions federalism prevents us working together. Pollution and climate change are getting worse. More unequal country than we were in 1950s and 1960s. Can we have a functioning democracy if the top 5% earn so much more than so much canadians. We are less and less reducing man hour. Canada earns more incoming revenue from the chinese students who study at canadian universities; all the benefits coming from these chinese students out- weigh the gains. National will re emerge as an issue. Democracy means we" take ownership of our problems.