PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Temporal Lobe, Anterograde Amnesia, Retrograde Amnesia

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Key themes: structure vs. function, serial vs. Parallel processing: modular vs. domain general processing, connection between memory and attention. Hard to draw a line between where attention ends and where memory begins. Visual search lab: attention comes in only in some searches. Single feature does not require attention and pops out automatically this is the preattentive stage --> feature search ends at preattentive stage. Analyze all the features that are present --> all independently --> blue, green, circle, square --> no attention to which green ones are circle and etc. -> find out which ones are green automatically --> fast and parallel. Visual system is analyzing the bits --> not focusing. Binding features requires attention this is the focused attention stage --> combines all the independent features together. Role of attention in visual search is to bind features at one location.