PSY100H1 Lecture : LEC 2-Characteristics of Good Psychological Research

247 views3 pages
3 Aug 2010
Characteristics of Good Psychological Research
A Theoretical Framework
-systematic way of organizing and explaining observations
-hypothesis that flows from the theory or from an important question
A Standardized Procedure
-procedure that is the same for all subjects except where variation is introduced to test
-sample that is representative of the population
-procedure that is sensible and relevant to circumstances outside the laboratory
Objective Measurement
-measures that are reliable (that produce consistent results)
-measures that are valid (that assess the dimensions they purport [claim] to assess)
Psychological Research
-naturalistic observation
-case study
-research conducted in the field of personality
-Case Study
-repeated in-dept examination of one person using interviews, observation and personality
assessment measures
-advantage: gives us rich detail and a deep understanding of a particular individual
-disadvantage: limited generalizability
-can·t determine causality, bias
-ie. Jane; 20 yr old female began individual treatment for AN, developed obsessive
compulsive sx. Illustrates overlap between two disorders. AN & OCD, contamination by
´greaseµ vs. typical ´germsµ
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Document Summary

Hypothesis that flows from the theory or from an important question. Procedure that is the same for all subjects except where variation is introduced to test hypothesis. Procedure that is sensible and relevant to circumstances outside the laboratory. Measures that are reliable (that produce consistent results) Measures that are valid (that assess the dimensions they purport [claim] to assess) Repeated in-dept examination of one person using interviews, observation and personality assessment measures. Advantage: gives us rich detail and a deep understanding of a particular individual. Ie. jane; 20 yr old female began individual treatment for an, developed obsessive compulsive sx. Number of personality theories were derived from case studies conducted during the course of therapy (ie. freud) Useful generating directions for correlational and experimental research. Often seen in clinical research focusing on a particular problem being treated. Measures of association between two variables ( -1 < r < +1 )

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