PSY240H1 Lecture Notes - Masturbation, Sexual Stimulation, Vagus Nerve
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Lecture #7: sexual disorders & dysfunction (chapter 16) in different cultures, different genders have a dominant role in sex. Views toward sexual preferences vary across cultures. homosexuality was previously considered an abnormal behaviour. can differ across different countries/cultures or even regions/societies across a country (toronto vs. calgary) Diversity of sexual practices in human societies (e. g. swinging, bigamy, strip clubs) Defined as sexual behaviour with members of one"s own sex. On a continuum no discrete patterns. Individuals who prefer to engage in sexual activity with members of their own sex over an extended period of time. Used to be considered a diagnosis in dsm-iii, but not now in dsm-iv, obviously. Freud thought it was caused by early arrest in the psychosexual stages. Had sex with person of same sex at least once since puberty. Felt desire for sex with person of same sex. Preferred partners are sometimes the same sex, sometimes the opposite sex.